Coming Soon
Coming to Charlotte in 2025
Keep up with our buildout because it’s going to be a unique journey ahead! Follow us on Instagram (@leluiahall) for the inside scoop on this transition (and to be the first to know our grand opening date!)
Want to work with us?
We're hiring!
Charlotte Magazine - January 2024: Waiting for Leluia Hall
Queen City Nerve - January 2024: Leluia Hall Proves Tonidandel-Brown’s Penchant for Preservation
Bon Appetit - December 2024: The 8 Must-Visit New Restaurants to Try This Winter
Axios Charlotte - September 2023: Little brick building underscores Charlotte’s big battles to preserve history, manage growth and find parking
Axios Charlotte - May 2023: Charlotte restauranteurs to save historic Dilworth landmark from land slated for development